Health and Wellness Jobs - Different Careers, Salary & Requirements

Health and Wellness Jobs – Different Careers, Salary & Requirements

Filling a position in one of the many health and wellness jobs can really offer one a chance to help countless lives for the better, in a time where teaching health and wellness tips and theories are needed more than ever, as our world is spirolling down hill due the the lack of health knowledge as well as the every growing number of fast food chains at the publics avail. Just one example of this is that America alone spends 147 billion dollars a year towards things that are contributing to their obesity. Not only is it a health and wellness educator jobs to conteract these bad habits that society develops, the world really needs to work as a whole to do so, but getting a job in the health and wellness feild can really allow one to offer a lending hand in steering many people the right way, as well as the chance of the trickle effect presents itself as well as people will tell their friends and family abouts these good habits they have learned as soon as they experience breakthroughs.

The Different Health And Wellness Jobs

When it comes to careers in the health and wellness feild, there are multiple routes one can take to starting their career, some of which include:

Personal Trainer

This avenue is one of the most direct routes to getting a health and wellness job. One has a chance to educate their clients on two different aspects of health, those being both how to work out and build cardiovasular strength as well as diet issues, which one has a chance to cater a regimen for both of these aspects so the client can intergrate it into their life and make very big changes. It takes anywhere from 4 to 8 months to start a career as a personal trainer, which there are various different providers of personal training programs, which you can do self study for preperation for the main exam, some of the most popular include; National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as well as American Council of Exercise (ACE). By working one of the health and wellness jobs as a personal trainer, one can expect to earn anywhere from $30,000 to over $100,000 a year as what dictates the salary is the personal trainer as they choose how big they want to grow their clientele, which their hourly rate only goes up as one gains experience.

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Health Educator

Becoming a health educator can be done by attaining a bachelors degree, which most all working health education specialists have gotten their Masters Degree to provide one with better chances in attaining health and wellness jobs as well as a much better salary. One can also choose to become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) which is optimal but can provide one with the opprtunity to distinguish themselves from other applicants with this extra credential, which is simply done by taking and passing a test related to the health and wellness feild. The job description of health and wellness jobs consists of offering education on leading a healthier lifestyle on various fronts, some of which include; domestic violence, drinking and smoking cessation, practicing safe sex, STD’s, working out, eating right, health body image and more. Where one works will also dictate a big portion of their job description as a health educator works in various different places, some of which include; schools and colleges, businesses, healthcare setttings, supervisors, community health jobs as well as some are self employed. One can even choose to attain a degree as high as a Doctorate in Public Health where one can expect to earn a much higher salary, ranging anywhere from $80,000 to well over $100,000 a year, whereas the regular median salary for generic health educator is around $60,000 a year, where the job description would shift to things like policy creation and enforcement.

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Even though this often works hands in hand with being a personal trainer, one can choose to become specialized as a nutritionist and dedicate their health and wellness career to creating diet plans for their clients and edcuating them on making the right decisions when it comes to what is in their pantry. Health and wellness jobs as a nutritionist also make huge impacts on bettering the knowledge of good heatlth and wellness and work in places like; hospitals, schools, diabetic clinics, community programs, health departments, Judi Online and more. To start a health and wellness job a a nutrtionist, one can attain a degree which can range anywhere from a associates to as high as a PHD, where regular nutritionists can expect to earn around $50,000 to $60,000 a year, where higher degrees can attain much higher.

Career Outlook of Health and Wellness Jobs

Just like any other career, one needs to have a strong patient to help people feel better both on the outside as well as about themselves through through them adapting a better mindset about what health and wellness is and how to experience optimal results in both areas. These health and wellness jobs can bring one a gratifying career, as well as inspire hope in many when all hope may be lost, inspriring one that it is never to late to take control of their health. Health and wellness jobs also provide one with excellent job security as according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, during the next decade the profession is expected to grow in the need for new employees at a percentage that is higher than the average of all other careers.

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